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A Bit About Unprogrammed Worship



"The practice of sitting together in silence is often called "expectant waiting." It is a time when Friends become inwardly still and clear aside the activities of mind and body that usually fill our attention in order to create an opportunity to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is not a time for "thinking," for deliberate, intellectual exercise. It is a time for spiritual receptivity, so it is important not to clog one's mind with its own busy activities. Nonetheless, thoughts will occur in the silence. Some thoughts will be distractions and should be set aside. (Make that shopping list later.) But some thoughts or images or feelings may arise that seem to come from a deeper source and merit attention. If you are visited by a spiritual presence, if you seem to experience perceptions that are drawn from a deeper well or are illuminated with a brighter light, then let those impressions dwell in you and be receptive to the Inward Teacher. Each person finds his or her own ways of "centering down," or entering deep stillness during meeting."


Would you like to read more? Click here to go to the Quaker Information Center's page about worship. 

We Worship Together

In our time together as a community, we will have the opportunity to worship together in many ways. Notably, we will have space for unprogrammed worship every day as well as meeting for worship with attention to business. 


If the weather is wonderful (and it should be!), there will be spaces each day to worship together outside in large or small groups. 


There will also be space for Friends to plan and host worship that speaks to their spirits and needs. 

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