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Three squares (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) plus fruit and granola as snacks are included in the cost of your registration! And the cooks at Greene are incredible so you won't want to miss out!


That depends on tent vs. RV! The registration form will offer you more info and a way to be in touch. 


One part of accessibility is offering events like this to as many people as we can while honoring their economic status. We are hoping that Friends who are able to pay the full fee will do so to help support the community and make future Mid-Winter Gatherings possible. 

We trust Friends to know their fiscal limits and register for the catagory that indeed works for them. 

All workshop leaders will be offered a $50 workgrant, which they can apply to their own registration or donate to another registration. There are also workgrant options for a variety of helpful ways to breathe life into the Gathering. 



When you register, the form will offer you options about where you'd like to sleep. We have dorm-style housing as well as private rooms available this year. There are also camping and RVing options for the nature-inclined. 


The registration form offers more details, but here's a general list of options and costs: 


  • Adult in dorm housing: $250

  • Adult with private room: $275


  • Low Income in dorm: $150

  • Low Income with private room: $175


  • Teen (age 13 to 18) in dorm: $150

  • Teen (age 13 to 18) sleeping with adult guardian in private room: $50


  • Children (age 6 to 12) in dorm: $100

  • Children (age 6 to 12) sleeping with adult guardian in private room: $50


  • Children (2 to 5): $20

  • Infants (birth to 2): free

Want to give a little of your time and energy to get a break on your registration fee? Be in touch! We have opportunities available!



Dear Friends:

We are looking forward to being in community with you at the FLGBTQC Midwinter Gathering, 2016!


Do you need travel assistance from FLBTQC in order to do that?  If YES, then PLEASE read through this email, and then fill in the information below, to help us consider what you'll need.


Please fill in all of the information or email or call us if you need help
thinking this through or filling this out. 

Contacts for travel assistance:

Justin, FLGBTQC co-clerk, justinconnor [at ]

Barb, FLGBTQC co-clerk (pending approval), bberice [at]

There will be two rounds of decision making for travel assistance, to catch as many of those people need financial assistance as possible. This form is new, and meant to be a 'try out' situation instead of the longer letter from other years.  We will still be working out how to be more and more transparent about our process, seeking feedback from each other, Finance Committee, and the ad hoc Financial Aid committee that met at MidWinter 2015.  We're hoping it's more direct, and we welcome both your application and your feedback.

TRAVEL ASSISTANCE REQUEST – Round tw0 â€“ Requests due by 12/30/15

Please submit your request to:  bberice [at]

1.  What are the expected costs for your travel?  Type them here for your information and ours:

a.   Plane, train, car, bus, or other transport $__________________

b.   Shuttle to from airport or bus stop (to/from home AND to/from
gathering) $______________
(if you must use a cab, or contribute gas $ to a shared ride, etc.
please include that here)

c.   Other items if they are necessary for travel:

accommodations $_________________
meals $_____________________
other $ _____________________ (Please tell us what this  is - we
haven't thought of everything!)

Are any of your requests related to ability/access issues?  Yes ____________ No __________

      This matters only in that we have funds that can be pulled from a separate account if this is the case.

The total amount you are requesting from FLGBTQC towards Midwinter travel:

Let us also know:

Do need a wire transfer instead of a check?  (Yes or No)  ___________
When are you requesting to have your transfer or check arrive?

If you need a wire transfer, or a quick turnaround, we will call you
to get details for that, and do our best to make that work.

Email address to contact you: ________________________________________

Your phone #: _________________________

Best time to call: __________________________

If we can send you a check, please fill in the information below:

Who should the check be made out to? (i.e. you, FLGBTQC, other?) 


Address to send check to:



City, State                       Zip

Please submit your request to:  subject: midwinter travel; address: bberice [at]

Anything else you think we should consider as part of your application? Your feedback about this process or form is welcome and appreciated.

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